Saturday, November 15, 2008

Victory in the Pool!

FIT's swim team had our second official meet this afternoon and guess what? We won again! 

The meet was a little, um, ghetto (?)...Only one judge, a computer that stopped recording scores half way through the 200IM, and more last minute lane swaps than I can keep straight. But despite the disorganization, our team really pulled off some great times and personal victories.

I swam 2 Individual events and 2 Relay events:
The 100 Back
The 100 Free
The 200 Medley Relay (Back)
The 200 Free Relay

Here I am finishing my leg of the 200 Free Relay

Our relay team kicked ass - we won both the Free and Medley.
I won the 100 Back, and placed 3rd in the 100 Free.

Swimming in a meet is a lot different than practice. We do really intense workouts, but I still wasn't prepared for the intensity of competition. After my first event, my legs were full of lactic acid! I had to get in and tread water to stretch them out. I really enjoy the back stroke, and decided I want to work on it in training a lot more. 

Here we are discussing strategy with the coach.

Congrats to the FIT Swim Team!

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MJ said...

Nice job! You guys are a force!

Anonymous said...

I'm so envious