I didn't get a "good bike" for Christmas, but it is a lovely sentiment!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Fitness to All and to All a Good Bike!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Running in Paradise
My last post was written at JFK Ariport in NYC....I got out of the north right before the crazy snow started, phew! I'm now enjoying the sunny and 78 degree weather in Florida.
This morning I headed out to do a nice 7 mile run along the river in Rockledge. Riveside Drive is an absolutely beautiful place to run (It's actually the route of the Space Coast Marathon). It's lined with ton of beautiful historic houses, lush oak trees heavy with spanish moss, and tropical palm trees to remind me why I love Florida. The only problem is the heat and humidity...but, I can't really complain. At least I'm not stuck in a blizzard!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Athlete's Green Gift Guide (part 3)
7 Days until Christmas, 3 days until Hanukkah!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Athlete's Green Gift Guide (part 2)
8 Days until Christmas, 4 days until Hanukkah!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The Athlete's Green Gift Guide (part 1)
9 Days until Christmas, 5 days until Hanukkah...
Still shopping for Holiday gifts? Here's my eco-chic athlete's gift guide.
Klean Kanteen with Sports Top
The Klean Kanteen is one of my favorite practical things. It's a sturdy, simple re-usable water bottle made from stainless steel, which means it is completely BPA free. It also keeps water cold and crisp, and doesn't spill or sweat easily. The sport's top is perfect if you're on the go, and they also sell a bike cages for cyclists who want to ride green.
It comes in steel, pink, black, green, blue, orange and brown.
More eco-chic gifts coming tomorrow!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Exam Week (Stress) + Bad Economy (Stress) + Yoga (relaxation) = Less Stress
While holding a particularly strenuous chair pose in my yoga class last week, I got to thinking about what yoga can do for us in these troubling economic times. No doubt, it is an excellent form of exercise; but even more than that, it focuses our minds and helps relieve stress.
Yoga is the ancient Indian discipline that seeks to unite the mind and body. As America’s waistband expands and our wallet contracts, more people are looking for affordable exercise options. A survey conducted by CNN in 2004 found that 73% of Americans find money to be their number one stress factor. Imagine what that number must be in the midst of our current financial meltdown.
Using yoga to relive some of this money-related stress and to vary your exercise routine is a wonderful option, but the problem for students like me, is that yoga studios in New York City often charge over $20 a class. That certainly is not an anxiety reliever! Fortunately, there is an option for those who want to Zen-out without worrying about burning a hole in their pocketbooks.
Yoga to the People is a fantastic studio in Manhattan’s East Village that is a completely donation based. (I absolutely love this studio and encourage everyone in NYC or visiting NYC to try a class.) This means that they ask participants to only give what they can – from $1 to as much as $20 or more if you’re in the position to do so. Located on the historic St. Marks Place, the studio teaches an upbeat form of Viyassa Flow Yoga. The instructors are all young and enthusiastic, and the classes are packed full of students and young adults.
“Can you find inner peace while someone’s toes are in your face?” asked my instructor, Emily, during my Sunday afternoon class. “If you can relax here, you can do it anywhere!”
The hour-long session that features an upbeat mix of modern music, ends with an inspiring quote and the Tibetan Singing Bowl, which add an eerie calm to the room. I encourage anyone in New York City even slightly interested to try a class. But make sure to arrive a few minutes early, the room fills up!
Yoga to the People
St. Marks Place near 3rd Ave
(illustration by Christina Coradin for w27 Newspaper)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Epic Swim Weekend
I am lucky to be alive (joking, sort of) after a full weekend of swim meets.
Despite the good news we were all exhausted, so the meet was sort of a cool down from the previous day (although several of my team mates swam amazing times!)